The Marker Group volunteers our time and resources to assist organizations we trust aid the communities we love. We are proud to support both local and nationwide not-for-profit organizations working to conquer the most pressing challenges of our time. From homelessness to breast cancer to childhood poverty and abuse, the Marker Group is dedicated to defending those in need and working together to build a more complete society for future generations. In 2019, we began an annual tradition of holding a blood drive and health fair to help contribute to the wellbeing of our neighbors and employees.
At the Marker Group, we are always thinking of ways to make our company more environmentally friendly. Over the years, we have worked hard to become a paperless company by encouraging our customers, employees, and vendors to transfer records digitally. We are committed to reducing waste and making it easy to for our clients to do so, as well.

In order to minimize our water consumption, the Marker Group promotes the use of water filtration systems in our office for our employees instead of buying bottled water. The average person uses 156 plastic water bottles per year. This would save approximately 44,928 from going in landfills.
Source: https://www.earthday.org/fact-sheet-single-use-plastics/
To reduce landfill waste, we supply our employees with insulated tumblers instead of using disposable cups. The average U.S. office worker uses 500 cups per year. Our tumblers save approximately 144,000 Styrofoam cups from going in a landfill per year.
Marker Group also selects IT hardware with the goal to minimize our consumption of natural resources.

The employees of the Marker Group immediately started fundraisers as well as donated their time. Marker sold custom-made “Marker Cares/Houston Strong” t-shirts with all proceeds going to help our affected employees. The Marker Group also purchased Houston Strong” RTIC cups for all employees, for which all proceeds went to the highly publicized JJ Watt Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund. Overall, the Marker Group, Marlene Marker, and our employees donated over $18,000, which was distributed among our employees and others affected by Hurricane Harvey.
We also had a group of employees and their families who assisted several affected coworkers in their homes with tearing out sheetrock and trying to salvage what they could of their belongings. In Houston’s darkest days, the Marker Group came together to help one another in a very desperate time.